Better weather for the Zimbabwe demonstration than Septemeber’s ZCTU one!
Many of the protestors seemed to be expats and involved with MDC (who have borne the brunt of the latest crackdown), but there was at least one Amicus “Solidarity with the ZCTU” placard on display, after the raid on their offices.
A core group of demonstrators kept up a lively dancing protest for ages, until they were obviously in need of a break, but overall there seemed to be a tangible sense of unease and fear for those affected by the latest round of arrests and violence. Hardly surprising when many more of the demonstrators were directly connected with events than those at the ZCTU demo last year.
ZimVigil have kept this pressure up for a long time now with their Saturday vigils. All strength to them in continuing for as long as is needed to see Zimbabwe finally free.