Just back from a lovely May Day march in the sun in central London, celebrating International Workers’ Day 2009 in the company of unionists, socialists and assorted lefties.
Workers from Visteon were out in force to highlight their case, and I was so busy snapping away at the banners that I didn’t notice I’d inadvertantly bagged another blogger for my “bloggers on parade” trophy wall. In fact, judging by this pic it looks like I rather got in the way, so apologies Tom – will look where I’m going next time!
May Day is in full swing on the web too, with LabourList made over into UnionList for the day, no doubt to let Tom nip off for a quick stroll. Check out some of the postings from unionists of all stripes there.
And Unionbook is collating evidence of May Day events around the world. It’s a fair bet some will be bigger than the London one by very many times, so I’m looking forward to seeing the reports. It’s also a fair bet that some are much less safe than this event was – here’s hoping the news from Turkey is going to be a good result for colleagues there, who are being very brave in reclaiming May Day for Turkish workers.