I went to see a solicitor today, something that normally has me worrying about the fees meter running, and whether I can afford to say yes to the offer of a coffee if it comes at £200 an hour. I was getting my signature on a financial document witnessed, but when I asked how much I owed him for the few minutes help, he said “You’re a union member aren’t you? There’s no charge.”
Turns out my union’s agreement with the solicitor I’d called in at (Thompsons’ exceedingly nice lawyers and Co) covers me for a bunch more legal help than I’d realised. I knew already about the cheap conveyancing for union members (I saved around £250 by going to Thompsons when we bought our flat), but I’d not realised that witnessing was a freebie, as was will checking (something I’d not bothered with before as it cost a couple of hundred at the solicitor who’d offered it to me) and personal injury.
Different unions retain their solicitors to cover different levels of help and assistance for their members, but this is something that’s really worth sounding your union out about. An hour of a solicitor’s time could buy you your whole year in union subs – a serious fringe benefit that most members don’t know about.
The duty solicitor I saw today told me the one that he finds most of a shame is that many unions cover costs in taking personal injury cases for family members. As that’s not something you’d probably think of, a lot of people don’t check it out, and end up going to the less savoury end of the no-win-no-fee market, forking out for expensive insurance or losing a lot of their award if they win the case.
So there you have it – lawyers to help out with lots of problems you’d never considered – ethical, friendly, and best of all free or subsidised.