Fame at last – I made the cut for Unions Together’s new YouTube video for tomorrow’s elections ;)Â – Make sure you’re not blinking near the start if you want to catch me! So I’m voting tomorrow after work. To keep the BNP’s mitts away from my tax money, sure – that’s a powerful incentive. But also because despite weeks of anti-politics coverage that’s made it look like all of Westminster are on the make, rather than a minority, I don’t think the business of making sure the country runs smoothly and fairly has become any less necessary.
Of course I’m lucky that my own MP (Nick Raynsford, Labour) has been on record for years as one of London’s cheapest – only claiming for office staff and consituency comms, so I’m not nearly as miffed as many. Were I still a resident of Gosport, where I remember the veteran MP (Peter Viggers, Tory) coming well up in an Observer league table of sleaze when I was a kid 20 years back, and who’s now topped a 35 year career with a floating duck island, I’d possibly be slightly less sanguine.
Voting’s important and politics is as important as ever. And as an added bonus, this one’s on proportional representation, so you can vote however you like and have it much more likely to actually count than in a general election. Green, No2EU, hell UKIP even – you’re spoiled for choice of interesting flavours of politics that might actually get in thanks to your vote.