A very interesting project from the European Metalworkers’ Federation (though they’re a bit shy and you wouldn’t know it was them from looking at the site).
The General Motors Workers’ Blog lets workers at General Motors around the world sign up and add their own posts to a central news service of what GM management is up to in each others’ countries.
The idea is to beat divide-and-conquer management and deal more effectively with an employer who is able to move around the globe at will, and play country off against country and plant against plant.
It’s a bit clunky (as most things run by union federations tend to be – it’s always a huge pain co-ordinating people and sites in a second language, and on a limited budget), but I think it’s a pretty good idea, and I’ll be fascinated to see how it goes. My main concern would be that the lack of polish (as opposed to Polish – which is catered for!) and easy explanation of how to work with it may turn off those people who aren’t bloggers already (ie. most people).
Good luck to all the GM bloggers, and let’s hope this is the first of many.
Many thanks for your post and comments. We need to explain more how to write and register, but so far quite a few have been able to create an account and one of two already posted an article.
If you have any specific suggestion, feel free to contact me by email, I’d love to hear them !
As for the link between emf and this blog, we have now added some logos that should clarify, don’t they ?