So there I am getting pissed off with Vodafone after they monkey with my contract terms mid-contract, and refuse recognition for Connect in the UK and CWU in South Africa, and my contract comes up, so I ring them and say I’m off to nice unionised O2 in protest. They say they’ll put a PAC code in the post and I think no more of it.
And then this happens, and this. Result! And then the retentions department ring up and really professionally grovel to ask me to stay, knock a third off my bill and offer me a swanky new HTC 3G/SatNav/WiFi blogo-phone for free (iPhone, schmiPhone). Result!
Congratulations to the Connect and CWU teams on two excellent results, but I think we all know who it was that really dragged them to the table… 😉
Good for a hat and a badge or two, for sure.
Nice one!