Now I know how Carol Sawyers must feel.
A few hours ago, the little group I started to protest at Derek Blackadder’s unceremonious ditching from Facebook had 28 members. Now at 1,650 users, it’s one of the world’s most popular union-related Facebook groups.
What happened? Well, funnily enough I don’t believe it was solely the wonderful viral potential of the social network (as I was banging on about the other day). Possibly more significant in the development was the fact it made the lighthearted news slot (not much competition as skateboarding dogs don’t have a union) for a LabourStart campaign mailing. Game, set, and in all likelihood match to Eric Lee and his Facebook-schmacebook argument. Eric presses the button. Unionists around the world get mail, and weird things start to happen – very quickly.
So today’s lesson is:
“If you’re not already on the LabourStart campaign action mailing list – join up. Now. Take one of these actions and tick the box to subcribe. ‘Save Derek’ is probably the only mail that list has received that hasn’t been an extremely urgent union case, where a couple of thousand voices in solidarity have a real chance of tipping the balance. ”
Anyway, back to the funnies. This is pretty entertaining to watch (join in here), and will be really interesting to see how Facebook respond. Lots of good organisers coming up with good suggestions on how to take this forward, and a lot of emails going in to Facebook customer services.
All together now…
21 days without a poke,
He’s getting lonely, and it’s no joke,
I say freeeeee-ee De-rek Black-a-dder!
Free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me, free-me,