Last week was a cheery one for Labour techies, with Derek Draper starting up what I think is going to be a very useful part of the jigsaw for the left blogohemisphere in the UK, So enthused was the party by this project that none other than Lord (né Peter) Mandelson threw caution to the wind and set off exploring Second Life.
Well, one week on and the project’s had a bit of a double pwnage from political opponents. The Daily Mail pranked Mandelson’s virtual life by making a clone avatar and hanging about SL, behaving inappropriately. They missed the more interesting points of SL by a couple of virtual miles, but then I guess nobody ever read the Mail for sci/tech (or much beyond hell-in-a-handcart whingefests and cringeworthy reader offers).
More interesting is the treatment LabourList itself has received. A shady bunch of activists have set up a duplicate at the similarly titled It’s posing as a principled objection, but I think is more likely a neat spoiler. They’re not willing to say who they are, or where they are – no matter how Tim Ireland (who seems not a fan of either site to put it mildly) teases them, and all we know is that they seem to be vehemently against the idea of a political party’s supporters engaging with the party to set something up for other supporters of that party:
There is something deeply troubling about a quasi-official site, where content is provided by members of the Labour Government, edited by a former Labour party employee and where comment is allowed only by the handpicked few. requires registration and sharing of personal data in order to join their debate. Contributors are asked the screening question: “Are you a Labour Member?”. LABOURIST thinks this is just wrong.
Ergo, if Derek and his partisan mates want to talk to each other online, that’s somehow deeply sinister. The only valid and ethical course for LabourList correspondents is apparently to get out there and hug as many trolls as they can find – they have rights too. Oh yes, and to write content that isn’t so “heavily spun”. Well duh – until they said that I hadn’t realised that a site where every second word was ‘Labour’ might be expected to be slightly partisan.
Fair play to them though, as LabourList has stated its content can be reused. It’s the letter of the law if not the spirit. They’re supposedly in favour of open discussion, to the point where they’re reducing the capacity for any meaningful debate by splitting it across two unlinked pages. The real aim surely is just to be one more factor in trying to starve LL whilst it tries to get established, at which point they can close LI too, job done. As such it’s a kind of metatroll, a whole system designed to drone on about Labour spin.
LI has had plaudits for beating LL in the tech stakes, and it’s true the design is a *lot* more readable than LL’s clunky nav and messy centre column, but even though I’m a wild-eyed WordPresser myself (and natural favour the one-true-CMS over LL’s proprietary system), I’d question how well they’ve implemented it in the context of blogging. No spelled-out permalinks and no use of SEO tweaks for metadata mean LL (which has this) may well outperform them in search.
Blogging, as I believe Derek understands, is a very long game. Getting some of the inbound crap out of the way with this soft launch may have been a good idea, but it’s going to be really very hard for him to build the site. Convincing contributors who have important things to do that they all need to turn in a dozen good posts over many months before the trolls get bored, the stats build up, and the less blog-familar contributors properly find their groove. It would be easy for people to think their work was just so many pearls chucked before swine and will be pretty demoralising at times.
So my advice to LL (not that they need or want it – but when did that stop a blogger?) is to ignore LI – learn a bit from their design, sure – and move on. Let them syphon off those oh-so-valuable commenters who have such insightful points about (Za)NuLieBore and they might even do us a service. There’s enough to be doing on LabourList as it is.
Oh, and PS: Sack Schillings for the legal advice (not great blogskillz there – unless they promise they are really really very sorry).
“It’s posing as a principled objection” – no, it *is* a principled objection. As a spoiler, Labourist is pretty ineffective – if anything, we are drawing attention to LabourList, not detracting from it. Hardly a cunning strategy.
Although we’re not card carrying Tories by any definition, we have admitted we are slightly right of centre. It is surprising then, that it falls to us to lecture the ‘Labour minded’ on the importance of free speech and open political debate.
If LabourList was just Derek’s personal blog where he wrote his own posts and deleted dissenting comments, kind of dull, but fair enough. But what we have is a Government sponsored propaganda machine with the *appearance* of free and open debate. This insults everyone from Tory troll to Labour grassroots members who want to have a decent online conversation. Are you really saying that you only want to read articles written by people you already agree with, commented on by others who share the same viewpoint? Sound likes a waste of time.
“Ergo, if Derek and his partisan mates want to talk to each other online, that’s somehow deeply sinister”. You seem like an intelligent chap. Are you telling me that there’s nothing sinister about articles written by Peter Mandelson and moderated by Derek Draper? Come off it. I don’t think you believe that and neither do grassroots Labour members.
You’re right about the WordPress deployment being less than perfect. However, the markup is all 100% valid and accessible – which is more than can be said for the shabby LabourList coding that is a technical disaster. We took the view that it would be better to spend time making sure the site could be read by anyone, regardless of visual impairment rather than promoting the site with tricky SEO. We will implement pretty permalinks and tagging shortly.
You’re wrong to think that there is any intention to ‘starve’ LabourList. If they allow dissenting views to be heard (or read), LABOURIST would be pointless. As it is, we have been live for a little over 24 hours and already have seen over 4500 page views. We are simply feeding a demand created by LabourList.
Yours is only the second critical comment I have seen – the rest of the feedback we’ve had is entirely positive – and not just from Conservatives.
Genuinely, I suggest you try to take LABOURIST at face value and embrace the opportunity to participate in a more meaningful debate.
You’re right about Schillings, though 😉
Dear Mr/Ms Ist,
Thanks for the considered reply, I do appreciate you taking obviously quite a bit of time to get back to me.
You’ll forgive me for remaining sceptical of your honest intentions for at least a while yet though. As you won’t tell me who you are, I have to go on what I can surmise from limited evidence – which doesn’t yet give me cause to believe you. There are six main stumbling blocks for me.
I was going to write them here, but then it got a bit long and bullet-pointy (and grew from four to seven and then shrank again), so I put it over here.
Cheers, John
“Government sponsored”
Are you really making that allegation?