UnionBook: A new home for online activism

UnionBook is a brand new social network, but one specifically for international union activists and supporters. You probably have accounts already on Facebook, YouTube, flickr and a dozen more, and are wondering why on earth we would need a dedicated service for unions. Two reasons…

The first internet election (no, not that one…)

I’m not a Unite Amicus member, so haven’t been following the current General Secretary election particularly closely, but I was interested to notice today that it seems to be the first union election where all the candidates have properly interactive online tools to promote their campaigns (last year’s NUJ DGS election nearly got there, but …

I’ll have IP please Bob: Blockerbusters

Gov2.0 advocate Steph Gray is trying to find out how many work computer users in the UK have access to social media blocked for personal or professional use. It’s a widespread issue, thanks to the concern of many employers at the Facebook work-crack media hype of the last two years. Some employers block social networking …

Name that 300lb baby!

Encouraging noises in the US that the two union federations who split in 2005 may be starting to consider reunification, to make the most of the potential for change the new administration is bringing with it. Grassroots site Labor Notes is running a slightly irreverent contest to name the possible merger. AFL-CIO-CTW was a bit …

More musings on Labourist/LabourList

After my post last night on the enigma that is Labourist (the fan site / attack site / alternative model demo of Derek Draper’s LabourList), I got a nice and very full comment (at least purporting to come) from the person/people behind the site, taking issue with my cynicism and offering counterpoints to a lot …

All your bias are belong to us

Last week was a cheery one for Labour techies, with Derek Draper starting up what I think is going to be a very useful part of the jigsaw for the left blogohemisphere in the UK, LabourList.org. So enthused was the party by this project that none other than Lord (né Peter) Mandelson threw caution to …

TUC Gear

Spotted at the lights in Stratford. And there was me thinking that Brendan Barber got around the Congestion Charge by driving a trendy hybrid rather than having to pray to Boris to keep a monster SUV. Surely no-one else would want the plate “Me TUC” though?

Draper’s Record: LabourList launches in beta

There’s been a lot of speculation about the form Derek Draper’s adventures in blogging would take, since he started convening the Labour-supporting blogohemisphere back in December. Now the secret’s out, and it’s a celeb group-blog called Labour List. And pretty good it looks to be too. Draper is exactly the person to be running a …

Love the work, Hate the job.

Love the Work, Hate The Job: Why America’s best workers are more unhappy than ever – David Kusnet, 2008 It’s taken me a couple of months of procrastination and other things to get around to writing about David Kusnet’s latest book, but I wanted to recommend it to UK unionists as well as those in …