Tory family policy jumps the shark
Still smarting that we’re not considered wholesome enough for a Cameron marriage tax break – my wife earns a few hundred quid too much – I was cheered a bit to see Sunder Katwala’s recent post on Next Left. It looks like we’re in good company.
Cash, Gordon?
I haven’t been a member of a Labour affiliated union for nearly ten years now – my current union don’t even have a political fund, let alone one that affiliates to Labour, but something really irks me about the latest Tory billboard – criticising Labour for taking union money (no, the one above is my …
MyDavidCameron: Round 3
Amidst talk of changed strategy to duck the virtual and physical graffiti that’s dogged the Tories’ election posters so far, three new billboards have been unveiled today, detailing why people might like to consider crossing the floor and voting Tory for a change. None of them have the easy-to-deface looming face of Dave, but there’s …
Dawn Of The Dud: sinister Tory billboards return
The sinister Tory billboards are back with a vengeance, and so are their online alter-egos. The current posters are coming in for a bit of flack for attacking a Labour policy that isn’t actually a Labour policy. Still, it’s a nice scary picture, so has morphed into, with some very funny takes on …
Cameron’s latest CGI epic
Thanks to Clifford for this week’s image challenge – A different take on Mr Cameron’s slightly creepy airbrushed bill board ads. Here’s mine (click for biggie) – I reckon the Cameron illusion is all mad CGI skillz rather than airbrushing! I did get the right Cameron, right? Anyways, you can see a bunch of other …
The harder they Cameron
In which a young man setting out on a noble career finds that ultimately it’s easier to make living through a dishonest path than by staying true to his public. Any similarities between persons living or dead purely coincidental. Hat tip Mark
The photo they don’t want you to see…
New evidence suggests that Dave’s rude kid photo-op curse started long before we’d first thought:
Bloogle: See no evil, do no evil?
Check it out – I’ve got a sneak preview of the latest service from everyone’s favourite search engine: Okay, only joking, but here’s an interesting piece in the Guardian today about new media behemoth Google’s first forays into politics, sponsoring candidates in the States (so far a Republican who’s in favour of net neutrality – …
After my post on political geekery, I thought it only proper that I should put up my own homage to the WWW – so here is “Camsterdance” (wtf?): Play music – courtesy of Hampton the Hampster at Juno Records Now, who’s for Dave Çagri “I kiss you!” – or would we get a case of …