Xmas time again, and another outing for the old family favourite where a trio of ghastly apparitions from days gone and yet to come shock a wayward soul into repudiating his acts of miserly cruelty to those worse off than himself.
Well, if the cameo samples from Maggie, D-Cam and the ghost of future electoral catastrophe, Nick Clegg, in Captain Ska’s Xmas #1 candidate song, Liar Liar, don’t scare Ebeneezer Osborne from his skinflint path, I don’t know what will…
If you haven’t heard the good Captain’s oeuvre yet, check it out in this youtube vid, tell all your friends, and go buy a download of it, to help it storm up the charts.
Imagine if this could make it to the number one spot for Christmas, brandishing two fingers very publically to not only Osborne but chart nasty Simon Cowell as well. Wouldn’t that be the best 79p you ever spent?